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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Play it again, Sabrina

Play it again, Sabrina, originally uploaded by CoreyLuke.

Most of the time when you hear people talk about Karma it's bad. This time for me it wasn't.

I was asked to help photograph some costumes for the art council I'm on. Seems someone in Seattle is inquiring about renting some of our costumes.

I put a couple things on hold and began shooting the costumes. Now I don't get paid for this, everything I've done with the Lehi Arts Council has been strictly volunteer and no charge.

I don't mind because it keeps me shooting and the council gets to keep what little money there is and spend it in more needed areas.

As I was wrapping up the shoot and preparing to pack it all up, the reigning Miss Lehi came into the room I was using, and began playing the grand piano. And man can she play. Beautiful music filled the room the entire time she was there, my first gift from Karma.

Now I was a day late in creating an image for a photography group and when I saw her hands flying up and down the keyboard, I knew I had to get the shot.

This is the image I used for the UtahStrobist challenge. I have it because, I believe, Karma paid me back for donating my time/talents.

Thank you Sabrina, and
good Luck in representing Lehi in the Miss Utah pageant!

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