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Thursday, April 07, 2011

I'm no pin-up, but @RubySnap named a cookie after me.

I use twitter. I usually only follow colleagues in photography, by choice. However I also follow a few other folks. Two celebs, a bunch of photo vendors, local news, and @RubySnap.That's right, I follow a gourmet cookie maker.

With the exception of my wife's chocolate chip cookies(love you Tamara), RubySnap has, by far, the best cookies I have ever eaten, period. And their store is just walking distance from Pictureline in Salt Lake City, so I can hit two of my favorite places in one trip.

So as I said earlier, I tweet. Sometimes a lot, sometimes not very often. Well a few days ago @RubySnap sent a tweet out about creating a cookie using carrots. Instantly I envisioned a classic ginger & nutmeg carrot concoction. I sent a reply to Tami, the owner & creator behind the deliciousness, about how good the idea of a carrot cookie sounded. She replied that she would be "going non traditional because that's how she rolls."

Now I have tried nearly every cookie she has created and I can honestly say there hasn't been one I didn't find absolutely delicious. So needless to say, I was intrigued. I figured that was the end of the conversation, but the next morning Tami told me she had made the cookie. She was going to put it out in the case that day and she had thought about calling the cookie the "Corey." I was flattered, all I had done was send out a tweet, no contests, and definetely no "follow me & win a xxxxx."

So I called in an order for a dozen of those delicious cookies(apparently they were selling fast), and headed over to pick them up.

So here is the beauty. The Cori Carrot Cookie. It is a carrot cake cookie with macaroons and cherries topped with a simply divine cream cheese frosting. This image is from the store when we picked them up. I should've taken a few of these and did them the justice they deserve and photographed them properly, but I'm afraid they just didn't last. Between myself, my wife, and three teenage daughters they didn't stand a chance.

I chatted with Tami for a couple minutes when she admitted that she didn't realize I was a guy. I didn't care, still don't. Come to find out I wasn't the first guy to have a cookie named after them anyway. :)This is definitely an event that I will never forget. Thank you very much Tami!

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